Reverend Dr. Vanessa Reynolds

Dr. Vanessa Reynolds has practiced Emergency Medicine at Kaiser Hospital in Fontana for the last 19 years and currently works there part time. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at Stanford University. She wanted to be an Emergency Physician and completed a 3 year residency at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, after getting her M.D. from Tufts School of Medicine in Boston, MA in 1985.

Dr. Vanessa as she is called by her pastor and church members accepted Christ at the age of 12. She has worked with her husband in youth and marital counseling, and as married couple’s ministry leaders. She has been to Tanzania, Africa as well as the Philippines teaching the word and various health issues to women, and is a teacher in Women of the World Ministries, International School of Ministry. She has been a member of The Rock Church and World Outreach Center for many years where she ministers in the Women’s Ministry and at conferences providing unique insight into women’s health, marriage and family issues.

Reverend Dr. Vanessa Reynolds